Naked into the wilderness
Naked into the wilderness

naked into the wilderness

God had Isaiah deliver his message naked and out of control, which is considered one of the most shameful things to happen to a man, so that the peoples of Egypt and Ethiopia would know what could (and would) happen to them. John & Geri McPherson are true pioneers in rediscovering ancient skills. They soon had a rude awakening, however, when many of them were led away in abject slavery and were treated poorly by the rest of the inhabitants of the known world. To them, the idea that they could ever be enslaved was laughable. The empire, however, was already beginning to weaken as Libyan or Ethiopian pharaohs were on the throne. At the time of Isaiah the prophet, the 18th, 19th and probably the twentieth dynasties had already been on the throne and died. UnbelievableĮgypt was one of the greatest empires in history. The Assyrians today are the people who inhabit eastern Europe and Austria. The Kingdom of Judah was to be the next one to be conquered and made slaves to the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. This all happened in the days following the fall of Samaria and the deportation of the Israelites to the land of the Medes and Assyrians. The land became a Persian satrapy for a time when Cambyses conquered it. Pharaoh Psamsik of the 26th Dynasty tried to reunite his country for a time but then the Babylonians, and later the Persians, invaded Assyria and took over their empire. Sargon's son, Sennacherib, continued his father's goal of destroying Egypt by bringing the empire's borders to the Nile Delta region. Sargon took the name that means "God has appointed the king" but he died in battle or by homicide. For many, this may seem like nothing, but for me it was life chang. Sargon II was an Assyrian king who began the offensive to destroy the lands of the south including Israel, Egypt and Ethiopia, which was the dream of his father Tilgath-pileser. In the Summer of 2016, I was fortunate to be in the presence of a Legend, John McPherson. He was showing them in this prophetic action that they would become slaves of the Assyrians under Sargon's family. He was giving a sign and warning to the Egyptians and Ethiopians that would make them afraid to do the things they were doing. This video takes you through one hour of non-stop flake removal to show how the secret of making. Rumaging around I came across my deer leg bone dr.As you can see, the God of the Universe had a reason for telling Isaiah to do this. Naked Into The Wilderness 9b - Breakin Rock-2 - Arrowhead. In a previous post, Rocks and the Great Spirit, d. You'll see by the photo's that our trip Naked into the Wilderness doesn't actually take us naked. Hmmm.I wonder what time Survivor Man comes on t.v.? Naked in the Wilderness 2 John McPherson. To make a poultice from plantain leaves to stem the flow of blood from a bad cut.( which I received while cutting the notch with the the sharp edge of the quarzite cobble while making a bowdrill to make Oh well, tomorrow is another day. To be able to make a cutting blade from a quartzite cobble, to cut the notch in a bowdrill fireboard. It's not the stuff I care about so 's the skills, or know be able to start a fire by "rubbing two sticks together". I have acculmulated a lot of 'stuff' in the process. I have a j.o.b., and a family, and a mortgage to support. Is there wood and leaves/brush for insulation to construct a debris shelter? Rocks to make simple cutting blades, to help construct a bowdrill, to make fire? Fire to coal burn a wood bowl to purify water with hot rocks? What's for supper, and how do get it? I recognize that I 'play' at primitive skills. Out of habit I survey new surroundings with that question in mind. But, I have been intrigued and challenged for decades with answering the question- how I would cope, skills-wise, stepping off the beaten path. John McPherson introduced the theme of "Naked into the Wilderness" in his primitive skills series.

Naked into the wilderness